Current Date:October 23, 2024

ChatGPT: How It Works, Best Applications And Current Limitations

Our first article this year was about the tech trends for 2023. And the number one topic was AI application which became rather popular at the end of 2022. In recent month, the internet thoroughly discusse art generators like Midjourney and Magic Avatar. People are both amazed and concerned about the future of this technology. And another app we cited was ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is one of the most popular AI tools today and one of the most promising applications of this technology. On Twitter, it was on trending topics for a long period. There are also both interest and concerns in ChatGPT, so the AI attracted a large number of supporters and critics.

In today’s article, we’ll give a brief explanation of how this technology works and enlist what are the current expectations and main limitations of ChatGPT.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a computer program developed by OpenAI to answer questions and have conversations with people. It was created using a technology called “language modelling,” which is basically a way of teaching a computer to understand and use natural language as if it were a person speaking.

What happens is that ChatGPT was trained with a large amount of text data, such as books, articles, and websites, among others. This allowed it to learn about many different topics and, over time, become better at answering questions and understanding people’s intentions. When someone asks a question, ChatGPT searches its memory for the most accurate and relevant answer possible. Sometimes it can even generate creative and interesting responses like a human would!

Expectations for ChatGPT

One of the most sought applications of AI text generation technology is for content creation. This could be in the form of blog posts, news articles, product and service descriptions, etc. In fact, the last topic was written not by us, but by ChatGPT itself. The technology could optimize and automate content creation of general businesses without consuming much time and resources. This way, company could direct efforts to another sectors.

Another remarkable possibility for ChatGPT is due to its conversational AI. We can use it to build chatbots which have applications for e-commerce, customer services, tutoring, etc. By giving responses similar to a human, ChatGPT could be the perfect solution to automate these services, reducing costs without harming the user experience.

And last but not least, ChatGPT could make a valuable contribution to education. Students around the world are already using it to improve language skills and for researching certain topics. But, of course, this also leaves space for a few concerns that we’ll discuss in the next topic.

ChatGPT’s limitations and ethical concerns

Every single emerging technology comes with a ton of problems and ChatGPT is no different in this sense. It’s in a very early stage of development and has lots of limitations which need improvements. The first drawback is that it lacks the understanding of some concepts like sarcasm, irony, common knowledge, context, etc. This affects the proper understanding of information and limits its ability to answer a more complex question, even more, if it requires some level of abstraction.

Another serious concern is that people already found lots of incorrect information being provided on the platform. And since it gives you real-time answers without any sort of references, ChatGPT can help in the spread of malicious content and misinformation. This also rises questions about the training data used in ChatGPT that could have bias leading to unfair representations of a particular issue.

There are also concerns about how technologies like ChatGPT will impact jobs. But this is part of a bigger social, economical and political framework to discuss separately. And as a society, we’ll also have to discuss the privacy & security of users’ data on these platforms and the responsibility of its developers in this scenario to assure the technology work within secure and ethical boundaries.


ChatGPT is an amazing technology and has the potential to revolutionise the digital world that is already in continuous change. But this doesn’t mean it won’t have a fair share of problems and ethical dilemmas we need to start discussing.

It will help a lot of businesses to automate and optimize their services and content creation, but it also lead us to social impacts. We have to worry about how we’ll deal with people losing jobs because of technology and how not to make people 100% dependent on AI, losing human interaction skills.

And you? What do you think about ChapGBT? Have you test and what are your concerns of its use? Please let us know in the comments below. You can also contact us on our blog page or our website.

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